Slitherine LTD and Proxy Studios are proud to announce Craftworld Aeldari DLC, the 7th DLC for the award winning Warhammer 40,000 Gladius. After Tyranids, Chaos Space Marines and T’au, it’s time to conquer the forsaken planet of Gladius with the new faction of the Craftworld Aeldari.
The Craftworld Aeldari enter the fray with 19 new units and unique gameplay mechanics. The Craftworld roster of units is extremely versatile: Aeldari units are absolutely lethal from a distance, but you won't lack for deadly close combat options either. Exploit the Webway Gates to achieve incredible mobility on the battlefield, but be wary, for Aeldari lives are rare and precious and any loss will be felt greatly.
Key Features:
Exploit your knowledge of webway gates to activate them and move swiftly across the battlefield.
Found a city on top of an activated webway gate to fortify Craftworld Aeldari’s presence on Gladius.
Reduced city growth rate. The last remnants of a people whose mere dreams once overturned worlds and quenched suns.
Call upon offworld Asuryani to join you and temporarily boost your growth rate.
Focus the Aeldari’s spiritual consciousness to experience a period of increased loyalty towards your cause.
Gain energy for every fallen Aeldari unit.
Many Craftworld Aeldari units can move after using their actions.
The Aeldari loathe and fear She Who Thirsts above all else, increasing their accuracy, but also the damage taken when fighting the forces of Chaos.