The Firepower pack brings 10 new units to the battlefields of Gladius Prime!
The new units will bring overwhelming firepower and will increase the strategic options available to all commanders.
Rogal Dorn Battle Tank - Astra Militarum
Heavily armoured battle tank fitted with powerful weapons
The Rogal Dorn Battle Tank is a lumbering behemoth, equally suited to anchoring a battle line, or grinding forward in support of an assault. Bristling with thunderous guns, these hulking armoured fighting vehicles pound breaches in enemy’s defences with enormous shells, and tear apart infantry with raucous storms of fire.
Whirlwind - Space Marines
Artillery tank with a variety of missiles to pound enemy positions from afar
The Whirlwind is the Adeptus Astartes’ foremost artillery tank. Highly mobile despite its fire support role, it excels in the annihilation of massed infantry and light armour. Able to keep pace with the swift advance of a Space Marine strike force, squadrons of Whirlwinds lurk behind or amongst their comrades’ formations, always ready to unleash a thundering barrage of missiles upon the foe at extreme range. When working in concert with farranging Land Speeders ‘spotters’, Whirlwind artillery tanks are utterly lethal, even to garrisons of enemy fortifications and troops occupying concealed positions.
Deathmark - Necrons
Sniper unit that teleports to reach its target
Crackling into reality in the middle of battle to annihilate their enemies, Deathmarks are the assassins of the Necron cohorts. These specialist killers are possessed of a patience known only to the undying, and once a Deathmark has marked its prey, nothing will stand between it and its target. Unerringly accurate and single-minded in their devotion to the kill, they are often employed to locate and destroy enemy commanders, or hunt down priority targets in order to disrupt their foe’s strategy. Though some phaerons consider the use of the Deathmarks to contravene the ancient Necrontyr codes of honour, none can dispute their effectiveness when given a target.
Deff Dread - Orks
Heavy assault walker unit that excels in close combat.
Deff Dreads are clanking monstrosities that behave in battle much like enormous metal Orks. They clank toward the foe, waving piston-driven arms that end in saws, claws and really big guns. Lurching along as fast as their hydraulic legs will carry them, their bellows of
‘Waaagh!’ echo from in-built speakers at earsplitting volume. Though all this is hugely entertaining for Orks fighting alongside a Deff Dread, for enemies it is utterly terrifying. Deff Dreads epitomise the unstoppable ferocity of the Orks, and the damage they can do is jaw-dropping. The brutal implantation surgery and subsequent claustrophobia tends to drive Deff Dread pilots a bit bonkers. They will take any opportunity to vent their frustrations violently upon the foe, if only to make themselves feel better about having to eat everything through a straw…
Greater Brass Scorpion - Chaos Space Marines
Super-heavy walker vehicle that can devastate any enemy frontline with its powerful weapons.
A towering monster of armour plating and hellish metal flesh, powered by burning souls and bearing an arsenal of murderous weapons, a brass scorpion is an animate altar to Khorne, Chaos god of bloodshed and battle. They are devastating, half-crazed entities, more rampaging beast than war machine, and they take evident delight in the slaughter of the enemy, tossing aside wrecked vehicles in their path and skewering the bodies of the slain beneath their hydraulic claws. They are especially feared for the evident predilection with which they use their huge claws to wrinkle enemy troops out of cover, plucking screaming victims from trenches and bastions before tearing them apart in a welter of blood.
XV107 R’Varna Battlesuit - T’au
Heavily armoured monstrous creature equipped with extremely powerful long-range weaponry and a multipurpose nova reactor.
A development of the Riptide, the T'au XV107 R'varna battlesuit sacrifices mobility for heavier armour and increased firepower in the form of two pulse submunition cannon, experimental weapons systems which fire micro-cluster projectiles capable of saturating the target area in a deadly storm of plasma pulses.
Dark Reaper - Craftworld Aeldari
Long-range anti-armour infantry equipped with a variety of missiles to deal against fast targets.
From far across the battlefield, the Dark Reapers cut down their enemies with devastating salvoes of missiles, each armour-piercing projectile ripping through the air to blast ragged holes in tanks and soldiers alike. Silhouetted against the sky from their position on the high ground, the Reapers are as Khaine himself calling down destruction upon the unworthy. Impassive and all-seeing, they scan the horizon for any signs of movement, complex relays allowing their gaze to be channelled through the barrels of their ritual weaponry at will. Then, with unflinching precision, the Reapers wreak devastation upon their chosen targets.
Kataphron Breacher - Adeptus Mechanicus
Canticles of the Omnissiah infantry unit with powerful anti-vehicle armament.
Kataphron Breachers are battle servitors many times the size and power of those used by the rest of the Imperium. Utterly deadly at close quarters, they are not born so much as constructed, their every enhancement geared for maximum lethality. They are easily recognised by their growling motive units, vicious hydraulic pincers and deadly shoulder-mounted cannons. Yet the most vital component of all is within – the soul of a violent man. In battle Kataphron Breachers rumble forward at the command of their Tech-Priest masters, fulfilling the role of living shield and battering ram alike. Originally devised to break apart enemy battle lines and fortifications, they are of great use to those adepts who wish to seize a valuable artefact from the clutches of would-be usurpers.
Imagifier - Adepta Sororitas
Support infantry unit that buffs nearby Adepta Sororitas infantry units
It is the most sacred role of the Imagifier to extol the virtues of fallen Sisters and preach tales of their saintly deeds. Imagifiers bear aloft great stanchions in the image of a martyr inscribed with holy texts, and go wherever the fighting is thickest to recite litanies and inspire their fellow Sisters.
Poxwalker - Neutral
Light melee infantry unit able to regenerate in combat.
Poxwalkers are victims of the Walking Pox, a cruel virulence that rots the infected to death whilst keeping them conscious. They are terror troops, their ceaseless groaning the vector by which they infect the living. In battle they drown their foes in a sea of decaying flesh, clawing hands and gnashing teeth.
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2018. Gladius - Relics of War, the Gladius - Relics of War logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Published by Slitherine Ltd. Developed by Proxy Studios. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
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