Three years ago, the betrayal of the Kobol Alliance cut deep. The alliance of the Twelve Colonies was severed in two. Lucinda Cain disbanded Colonial Fleet, and Daidalos was abandoned, an empty husk left to drift the storm clouds of Ragnar.
Lachesis held true to its promise of a year-long ceasefire. But the minute the ceasefire expired, Cylon forces invaded the remaining two-thirds of the colonies.
The vicious ground war has raged across Cyrannus since. Rebellions formed early on Caprica and Tauron. Ex-soldiers and armed civilians formed underground resistance, and fight an insurgent war against the invading forces.
The battle weary rebellion has launched an ambitious project; the secret reconstruction of the battlestar Galactica. With it, the reborn Colonial Fleet has again become the last beacon of hope for mankind, a testament of human tenacity and its will to survive.
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Resurrection marks the beginning of Season Two, and introduces a plethora of new features and content.
Two new ships (including the much awaited Jupiter MK II Battlestar), two new squadrons, and a new story campaign told from the CIC deck of the Galactica itself.
New story campaign
The brand new story campaign kicks off Season Two of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. Face Cylon threats old and new, and battle side-by-side with the CIC crew of the Galactica. Play through ten fully-voiced story missions, and thirteen Resource Missions that can be scouted for intel before committing your forces. Features four new tracks from composer Ash Gibson Greig, two story cinematics, and a cast of both new and familiar voices.
New war room
The Ministry of Defense relies on Galactica to lead the counter-offensive against the Cylons. Organize and command BSG-75 from a meticulous reconstruction of the famous Galactica CIC. The Season Two strategy layer has been revamped to get you straight into the fights that matter, while the new Cylon Threat mechanic measures your overall impact on the First Cylon War.
New ships
The Jupiter-class battlestar you know and love has been overhauled. The Jupiter Mk II boasts enough firepower and armour to become the most impressive vessel yet fielded in the war, with that authentic familiar look fans have been waiting for. The Cylons have not been idle during the ceasefire either. When taking the field, Cylon Command have begun to exploit the raw firepower of the rare Cratus-class basestar, an impressive behemoth of a ship that serves as a mobile operational base.
New squadrons
The Colonials have retrofitted an ancient fighter design with a mysterious origin. Dubbed the Taipan, these hardy fighters are heavy hitting anti-capital strike vehicles. Meanwhile, the Cylons have developed the Vespid, a swarm of dedicated bombers that quickly close the distance and release high yield explosives on their targets.
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock™ and ©2017 Universal Cable Productions LLC. Software ©2017 Slitherine Ltd. Battlestar Galactica is a copyright of Universal Cable Productions LLC. Licensed by Universal Studios 2017. All Rights Reserved.
Published by Slitherine Ltd. Developed by Black Lab Games and Slitherine Ltd. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
This document (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer"), as well as the description of the Content submitted by the Administration in the Internet store, together constitute a public offer to enter into the Sublicense agreement, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons.
The validity of this public offer is until February 1, 2025.
1. Terms and definitions
Administration of the Internet store (above and hereinafter – “Administration”) is a legal entity that grants the User the right to use the Content through the conclusion of the Sublicense agreement on the terms of this offer through the Internet store.The administration is
1.2.User – an individual who intends to purchase the right to use the Content in the Internet store.
1.3.Content – the results of intellectual activity and the right to use the results of intellectual activity, submitted for purchase in the Internet store.The list of the Content is determined by the Administration.
1.4.Remuneration – the fee for granting a non-exclusive right to use the Content.It is carried out by the User in the amount specified in the description of the Content in the Internet store (hereinafter referred to as the "Remuneration").
1.5.Internet-shop – the website https://chinaplay.store
1.6.Activation key (as STEAM/Uplay keys) – a computer program or code that is a sequence of symbols that allows access to the use of Content, if the Content is protected from unauthorized access to it by technical means of copyright protection.
1.7.Description – the information available in the Internet store and designed to familiarize the user with the properties of the Content.
2. General conditions
2.1.By purchasing the Content through the Internet store, the User agrees with the terms of this Offer as set forth below.The relations between the User and the Administration shall be governed by the provisions of the current legislation of the USA.
2.2.The Administration has the right to make changes to this Offer, as well as to the Description of Content, including the cost of acquiring the right to use the Content, at any time.
2.3.The opportunity to purchase the right to the Content in the Internet store is provided only to registered users of the Internet store.
When registering, the user provides information on the address of its email, as well as the password.If necessary, other data may be requested.
By providing its personal data, the User agrees to their processing by the Administration, including for the purpose of promoting the goods and services by the Administration.
2.4.The Administration transfers the rights to use the Content on the basis of a simple (non-exclusive) license with the right to reproduce, limited by the right to install the Content and to launch the Content.
2.5.To purchase Content in the Internet store, the User makes an order for the purchase of Content.Ordering is carried out with the help of the appropriate interface, located on the pages of the Internet store.When placing an order, the User acquaints himself with information about the Content, including the characteristics of digital devices and computers necessary for the normal reproduction of the Content.In the event that the normal reproduction of the Content is impossible or the digital device or the User's computer has been damaged as a result of the attempt to reproduce the Content due to the mismatch of the required and existing characteristics of the digital device or computer, the User is deprived of the right to bring relevant claims to the Administration.
2.6. The payment for the acquired right to Content occurs with the use of payment systems of PaymentWall or other payment systems.
2.7.The User is fully responsible for providing incorrect information, which resulted in the impossibility of proper performance by the Administration of its obligations to the User.
2.8.The User is fully responsible for negligence in relation to his personal data reported on the website of the Internet store, as well as for damage caused by such attitude, including, but not limited to, in the event that personal data became known to third parties through the fault of the Administration.
2.9.The payment of the Content by the User is carried out at the price established by the Description of the relevant Content on the pages of the Internet store, in the manner and terms agreed by the User at the time of placing the Order.
2.10.The User's acceptance of this Offer is the payment of the Content in accordance with the terms of the order, which is also considered an expression by the User of the intention to acquire the right to use the Content.From the moment of acceptance by the User of the Offer, the Sublicense agreement for the acquisition of the right to use the Content by the User is considered concluded on the terms of this Offer.
2.11.The moment of payment for the Content is considered the receipt in full of the corresponding amount of money to the settlement account of the Administration of the Internet store.
2.12.The rights to use the Content which are subject to transfer to the User shall be deemed transferred to the User from the moment of payment by the User, and in case of applying the technical means of copyright protection, from the moment of providing the Activation Key to the User or sending the Activation Key to the User through electronic communication.
2.13.The Administration has the right to assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations arising from its relations with the User to third parties provided that the rights and interests of the User are respected.
2.14. The Administration has the right to send messages to the User of advertising nature.If the User does not wish to receive mailings from the Administration, it may refuse them.
2.15.The Administration undertakes not to disclose the information received from the User.It is not considered a violation when the Administration provides information to agents and third parties acting on the basis of an agreement with the Administration for the performance of obligations to the User.The disclosure of information is not considered a violation of obligations in accordance with reasonable and applicable requirements of the law. The Administration is not responsible for the information provided by the User on the website in a public form.
2.16.The User understands and agrees that he is not entitled to distribute the Content, publicly display or perform it, broadcast it on radio or television by air or cable, process, translate, make any changes to the Content, and make it accessible to any person at any time at his choice (including via the Internet), and use the Content for any commercial purpose.Any use of the Content, other than directly permitted by this Agreement, the Sublicensing Agreement or the Agreement on granting access to the use of Content (depending on the type of Content), without the prior written permission of the Administration, is prohibited.
2.17.In case of the acceptance of this Offer by the User, the Sublicense Agreement or the Agreement on granting access to the use of Content (depending on the type of Content) is recognized concluded at the location of the legal entity which sent the Offer.
2.18.All Content on the Internet store website is the intellectual property of the Administration and/or its Partners.It is prohibited to reprint text materials, photos and illustrations without the written consent of the copyright holder, and other use – without reference to the copyright holder.
You are responsible for paying any commission payments, taxes or other costs associated with the purchase and delivery of your goods and arising as a result of your relationship with payment service providers, as well as for the payment of fees and taxes imposed by your local customs authorities or other regulatory authorities.
3. Acquisition of the rights to Content on pre-order conditions
3.1.Some types of Content are purchased on pre-order terms.This requires the User to receive the Content Activation Key within 48 hours of the release of the Content in Moscow time (UTC +4).The release date of the Content is determined by the Content publisher and does not depend on the Administration.The release date of the Content can be changed unilaterally by the publisher of the Content.Administration is not responsible for changing the release date of the Content by the publisher.
3.2.If, at the time of the announcement of the pre-order, the characteristics of the digital devices and computers necessary for the normal reproduction of the Content are not known, and the Acquirer wishes to acquire the Content right on pre-order conditions, when acquiring the right to Content, it carries the risk of negative consequences associated with the mismatch of the required and the existing characteristics of a digital device or computer.At the same time, when acquiring the right to Content on pre-order terms, the User should be guided by the characteristics typical for this type of Content.
4. Acquisition of the rights to Content on usual terms
4.1.When the User acquires rights to Content on usual terms, the Content and/or Activation Key is delivered to it via e-mail within 48 hours from the date of payment.
5. Guarantees of the parties
5.1. The User guarantees that before the payment he has become acquainted with the Description of the Content and the properties of the Content satisfy the User's requirements.
5.3.The user guarantees that:
The user is not a person who, under the laws of the USA or any other state of which the person is a resident or from whose territory the Content is being purchased, is prohibited from purchasing this type of Content;
The user has sufficient degree of legal capacity to acquire the rights to use the content he has chosen;
The User undertakes to exclude from use of the Content persons who have not reached the corresponding age.In the event of violation of this condition, the User is solely responsible for the consequences of such violation without the possibility of making claims to the Administration.
6. Return of funds
6.1.The user has the right to return the game within seven days after purchase, if an activation key of improper quality was sent to the end User. The funds for the purchase will be fully refunded to you within a week after the approval of the return to your chinaplay.store wallet with Panda points.
If you pre-ordered an item from chinaplay. store and paid for it, you can request a refund at any time before the item was released.
It may take some time for the payment system to process the payment, as well as for a refund due to a payment rejection. Chinaplay. store is not responsible for any losses related to delays in payment processing and refunds due to payment rejection.
6.2.If you receive a Game blocking for using prohibited methods specified in these Terms, you will lose the right to return the blocked game.
The ability to make refunds when purchasing games in chinaplay.store is not a way to use games for free. If we suspect that you are abusing this system, we may cancel the refund option for your account.
You can request a refund and get help with other shopping problems at chinaplay. store, here: support@chinaplay.store
Panda Points —— 是您通过在ChinaPlay商店进行购物得到的2%返现,可以勇气支付100%购物价格。
1 Panda Point = 1 元。
用Panda Points,您只能支付购物的100%。Panda Points有效期为6个月。
如果您愿意再6个月延期Panda Points,只要用人民币进行购物。一个月内,可以获得多达3000元返现。